Sigma Chi Facts
Important facts about our group.
The Founding of Sigma Chi:
In the fall of 1854 a disagreement arose in Kappa chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. This chapter consisted of 12 men. Six of them, led by Whitelaw Reid, supported one of the members for poet in the Erodelphian Literary Society. Four of the other six members, James Parks Caldwell, Isaac M. Jordan , Benjamin Piat Runkle, and Franklin Howard Scobey, refused to vote for the brother because they knew him to lack poetic abilities. They favored another man for that office who was not a Deke. Thomas Cowen Bell and Daniel Wm. Cooper were not members of the Erodelphian, but their relation to the disagreement was unqualified endorsement of the four. Thus, they became six.
The argument continued and they met at a restaurant in Oxford to settle…
- Minor Millikin, an advisor, passed a judgment in Reid’s favor
- he attempted to kick out Runkle and Scobey
- Runkle tossed down his Deke badge and renounced his membership
The Seven Founders
And The Core Values They Represent…

Thomas Cowan Bell

James Parks Caldwell

Daniel William Cooper

Isaac M. Jordan

William Lewis Lockwood

Benjamin Piatt Runkle

Franklin Howard Scobey
The Jordan Standard
The standard with which the Fraternity started was declared by Isaac M. Jordan to be that of admitting no man to membership in Sigma Chi who is not believed to be:
A Man of Good Character…….
A Student of Fair Ability……..
With Ambitious Purposes……..
A Congenial Disposition……..
Possessed of Good Morals……
Having a High Sense of Honor and
A Deep Sense of Personal Responsibility
The Sigma Chi Creed
I believe in fairness, decency, and good manners.
I will endeavor to retain the spirit of youth.
I will try to make my college, the Sigma Chi Fraternity, and my own chapter more honored by all men and women and more beloved and honestly respected by our own brothers.
I say these words in all sincerity; that Sigma Chi has given me favor and distinction; that the bond of our fellowship is reciprocal, that
I will endeavor to so build myself and so conduct myself that
I will ever be a credit to our Fraternity