Epsilon Tau Chapter of Sigma Chi
Rush ΣΧcellence
We encourage you to explore our rich history and attend our Rush Events at the beginning of each semester. We may be biased, but we think our brotherhood is the best. Many of our own brothers remain deeply involved in the active chapter, even as graduated Alumni, and you will undoubtedly run across many a Sig from other chapters once you are out in the real world.
2024 Spring Basketball Homecoming + 65th Anniversary Event
February 23rd & 24th, 2024
Learn more about how to become a member and submit your information for the next RUSH event.
Learn more about our Undergraduate Chapter, plus Resources for our Alumni Members.
The Epsilon Tau Chapter of The Sigma Chi Fraternity has a rich history at Murray State University.
Greek Man of the Year Levi Lucas‼️ Congratulations Brother.
The Brothers of Epsilon Tau are proud to have back to back Greek Men of the Year in Cole Murray and Levi.
Greek Man of the Year Levi Lucas‼️ Congratulations Brother.
The Brothers of Epsilon Tau are proud to have back to back Greek Men of the Year in Cole Murray and Levi.
The Brothers of Epsilon Tau would like to congratulate Sweetheart Janie Pagel on her 7th place finish in the Sigma Chi Sweetheart Challenge. With her top 8 finish, Janie will now be able to participate in the Huntsman Retreat of Excellence with other Sigma Chi Sweethearts. Way to go Janie!
The Brothers of Epsilon Tau would like to congratulate Sweetheart Janie Pagel on her 7th place finish in the Sigma Chi Sweetheart Challenge. With her top 8 finish, Janie will now be able to participate in the Huntsman Retreat of Excellence with other Sigma Chi Sweethearts. Way to go Janie!
The Brothers of Epsilon Tau would like to congratulate current Pro Consul Nick Masek on his acceptance into Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Way to go, Nick. IHSV
The Brothers of Epsilon Tau would like to congratulate current Pro Consul Nick Masek on his acceptance into Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Way to go, Nick. IHSV
The 22 Brothers listed above earned Dean’s List honors for the fall 2024 semester, 7 of which were able to make the Presidents List. Congrats and job well done.
The 22 Brothers listed above earned Dean’s List honors for the fall 2024 semester, 7 of which were able to make the Presidents List. Congrats and job well done.
Last weekend, the Brothers of Epsilon Tau had a great time in Nashville for our Fall Formal. Thanks to Brother John Wood for planning the trip.
The Brothers of Epsilon Tau are also proud to announce that Brother Chase Gibbs and Sweetheart Janie Pagel got engaged while in Nashville. Congratulations!
Last weekend, the Brothers of Epsilon Tau had a great time in Nashville for our Fall Formal. Thanks to Brother John Wood for planning the trip.
The Brothers of Epsilon Tau are also proud to announce that Brother Chase Gibbs and Sweetheart Janie Pagel got engaged while in Nashville. Congratulations!
Congrats to this group of Brothers who brought home second place in the fraternity division of Rock-A-Thon yesterday! Thank you to our coaches from @agd_gammaxi for choreographing and teaching our team over the past few weeks. The event raised over $58,000 to fight hunger, something we are proud to be part of!
Congrats to this group of Brothers who brought home second place in the fraternity division of Rock-A-Thon yesterday! Thank you to our coaches from @agd_gammaxi for choreographing and teaching our team over the past few weeks. The event raised over $58,000 to fight hunger, something we are proud to be part of!
Our annual Haunted House is coming up this Thursday on Halloween and we would love to see you there. In addition to the Haunted House this year we will be doing a Trunk-or-Treat in the parking lot where members of the Sororities on campus will be handing out candy.
We will be tabling until Thursday at the Curris Center for change wars. Tickets are $6 at tabling and $8 at the door on Thursday. All proceeds go to the Huntsman Cancer Institute.
🚨Sororities that are participating in the fence painting: Don’t forget to come by and complete your section of the fence this week.🚨
Our annual Haunted House is coming up this Thursday on Halloween and we would love to see you there. In addition to the Haunted House this year we will be doing a Trunk-or-Treat in the parking lot where members of the Sororities on campus will be handing out candy.
We will be tabling until Thursday at the Curris Center for change wars. Tickets are $6 at tabling and $8 at the door on Thursday. All proceeds go to the Huntsman Cancer Institute.
🚨Sororities that are participating in the fence painting: Don’t forget to come by and complete your section of the fence this week.🚨
On Friday, this group of Brothers competed in Greek Elite hosted by Tri Sigma. Our team placed second in the Fraternity division, congrats fellas! Way to represent.
On Friday, this group of Brothers competed in Greek Elite hosted by Tri Sigma. Our team placed second in the Fraternity division, congrats fellas! Way to represent.
Homecoming weekend at MSU was a success. Thanks to the ladies of @trisigma_ax for being our partner in the Homecoming Parade this year and working with us while constructing the float. Special thanks to Levi Lucas and Lacey Cruse for planning and organizing.
In addition to this weekend’s festivities, on Friday night Joe Owen was recognized to be a Significant Sig at the Significant Sig Dinner. Congratulations Joe!
Homecoming weekend at MSU was a success. Thanks to the ladies of @trisigma_ax for being our partner in the Homecoming Parade this year and working with us while constructing the float. Special thanks to Levi Lucas and Lacey Cruse for planning and organizing.
In addition to this weekend’s festivities, on Friday night Joe Owen was recognized to be a Significant Sig at the Significant Sig Dinner. Congratulations Joe!
This past weekend the Brothers of Epsilon Tau initiated the 30 men of the Epsilon Lambda pledge class. Congrats men! We are excited for the future. IHSV
Not pictured: Cole Phillips, Tyler Carson
This past weekend the Brothers of Epsilon Tau initiated the 30 men of the Epsilon Lambda pledge class. Congrats men! We are excited for the future. IHSV
Not pictured: Cole Phillips, Tyler Carson
Congratulations Brothers Levi Lucas and Zack Masek on being initiated into Order of Omega tonight. Our Sweetheart Janie Pagel was also initiated this evening, congrats!
Congratulations Brothers Levi Lucas and Zack Masek on being initiated into Order of Omega tonight. Our Sweetheart Janie Pagel was also initiated this evening, congrats!